Some things are collected deliberately in the home in an attempt to avoid waste.Among these I would list str... [查看全文]
They leave unwanted objectsin drawers, cupboards and attics for years, inthe belief that they may one day nee... [查看全文]
Collecting 收藏 People tend to amass possessions, sometimeswithout being aware of doing so. Indeed theycan ha... [查看全文]
The inspector then asked the old lady to try to check what was missing by the nextday and advised her not... [查看全文]
Theinspector began to look for fingerprints, while the constable checked that the frontdoor locks had not been... [查看全文]
She had lived in theflat for thirty years and was a veritable magpie at hoarding; and it seemed as thoughev... [查看全文]
Then, her composure regained, shewas ready to set off with the porter's assistance to search for any intr... [查看全文]
It was as clear as daylight then that burglars had forced an entry during her absence.Her first impulse was... [查看全文]
She was thinking that shemust reprimand her home help the nextmorning for such a monstrous piece ofnegligence,... [查看全文]
A Spot of Bother 一点儿小麻烦 The old lady was glad to be back at the block offlats where she lived. Her... [查看全文]