Written exercises 书面练习A Read the piece in Lesson 143 again. The answer these questions.重读第143课课文,然后回答... [查看全文]
Written exercises 书面练习A Read the story in Lesson 141 again. Then answer these questions.重读第141课的故事,然后回... [查看全文]
Written exercises 书面练习A Read the conversation in Lesson 139 again. Then answer these questions.重读第139课的对话... [查看全文]
Written exercises 书面练习A Read the conversation in Lesson 137 again Then answer these questions:重读第137课的对话... [查看全文]
Written exercises 书面练习A Read the conversation in Lesson 135 again. Then answer these questions.重读第135课的对话... [查看全文]
Written exercises 书面练习A Read the conversation in Lesson 133 again. Then answer these questions.重读第133课的对话... [查看全文]
Written exercises 书面练习A Read the conversation in Lesson 131 again. Then answer these questions.重读第131课的对话... [查看全文]
Written exercises 书面练习A Complete these sentences using had to or must have been.完成以下句子,用had to或must hav... [查看全文]
Written exercises 书面练习A Rewrite these sentences, using either has to or I think he is probably ...模仿例句,使... [查看全文]
Written exercises 书面练习A Write questions and answers.抄写以下句子,然后提问并写出相应的否定句。Examples:You have to l... [查看全文]