In the early 1980s, the computer giant,IBM produced the world's first Personal Computer. This ran on an &... [查看全文]
In 1975, a primitive machine called the Altair, was launched in the USA. It canproperly be described as the... [查看全文]
These were the so-calledmainframe machines. Mainframe computerswere very large indeed, often occupying wholeair-co... [查看全文]
Predicting the Future 预测未来 Predicting the future is notoriously difficult.Who could have imagined, in the... [查看全文]
In fact, I have just bought a bookentitled How to Read a Thousand Words a Minute. Perhaps it will solve my... [查看全文]
One night, however, feelingcold and lonely, I went downstairs and sat in front of the television pretending t... [查看全文]
By January 10th, I was back to where I had started from. Iargued that if I spent less time exhausting myse... [查看全文]
However,my enthusiasm waned. The time I spent at exercises gradually diminished. Little bylittle the eleven min... [查看全文]
It was this that betrayed me. The next morning the whole familytrooped in to watch the performance. That was... [查看全文]
I limited myself to two modest ambitions: to do physicalexercise every morning and to read more of an evenin... [查看全文]