Because of this, we kept lookingback, wondering if we were leaving a trail of oil and petrol behind us. W... [查看全文]
As we bumped over the dusty track, we swerved to avoid large boulders.The wheelsscooped up stones which hamme... [查看全文]
It was not that Bruce alwaysunderestimated difficulties. He simply had nosense of danger at all. No matter wh... [查看全文]
Nothing to Worry About 不必担心 The rough road across the plain soon becameso bad that we tried to get Br... [查看全文]
It has long beenknown that the hunting scenes depicted on walls were not simply a form of artisticexpression.... [查看全文]
By correlating markings made in various parts of the world, historians have been able to read this difficult... [查看全文]
Recent scientific evidence seems to indicate that this assumption is incorrect. Historians have long been puz... [查看全文]
He has to deduce what hecan from the few scanty clues available. Even seemingly insignificant remains can she... [查看全文]
Films, videos. CDs and CD-ROMsare just some of the bewildering amount ofinformation they will have. They will... [查看全文]
The first calendar 最早的日历 Future historians will be in a unique positionwhen they come to record the hi... [查看全文]