1. XYZ 检查你的拉链Hey, man. XYZ. 老兄啊! 检查一下你的拉链吧。"XYZ" 是"Check your zipper." 的意思。美国填表中的选项多用... [查看全文]
Tell your partner these 10 things for a relationship built to last1. I miss you.我想你了If conversation was the ... [查看全文]
I can't right now, but maybe later.我现在办不了,可能过几天吧。Unfortunately, I've had a few things come up.... [查看全文]
雷笋炒肉丝Thunder bamboo shoots fried with shredded pork笋干炖鸡Stewed chicken with dried bamboo shoots铁锅炖鱼Fish an... [查看全文]
Who doesn’t love love? It’s one of the best, purest emotions out there. This means, of course, that ... [查看全文]
1. So, You Graduated College从大学毕业This is definitely a milestone for your 20s. Throw your hat in the air!这是... [查看全文]
Nine packing tips for lazy peopleDigging out your suitcase, deciding what to bring, panicking that you've forg... [查看全文]
Best and worst jobs of 2014 revealedCareerCast has released their annual Jobs Rated 2014: Ranking 200 Jobs From ... [查看全文]
coffee bar=coffee shop=咖啡店coffee bean=咖啡豆coffee break=工作时喝杯咖啡休息一会coffee grinder=咖啡豆研磨机coffee machine=... [查看全文]
Adore这个词源于西班牙语,天生就有着古典浪漫的意味。感觉就像一位优雅的gentleman邀请心仪的lady跳舞,他微弯着腰,期盼、忐忑、尊重与喜... [查看全文]