Old magazines 旧杂志Get rid of old magazines you have lying around because chances are, you aren't going to ... [查看全文]
1. 为啥叫四六级? 只要不是英语专业,那从大一开始, 你上四个学期英语课,到大二下的时候考试,按照一个学期一级,正好四级, 过来四... [查看全文]
1. After you. 你先请。这是一句很常用的客套话,在进/出门,上车得场合你都可以表现一下。2. I just couldn’t help it. 我... [查看全文]
Wang said a tree funeral normally costs 1,000 yuan ($160), while the cost of a more conventional one in Taiyuan... [查看全文]
休闲轻便的夹趾凉拖、清新可人的吊带裙、遮住大半个脸的酷酷褐色太阳镜、可爱娇媚的迷你裙……夏天,总是因为女人而不同。无论是裙角飞扬,... [查看全文]
The byword for dress in the western business world is conservative. This means nothing too flashy, too provocativ... [查看全文]
On April 8, Microsoft will stop patching newly found security holes in Windows XP code that hackers could exploi... [查看全文]
问题一:如果你家附近有一家餐厅,东西又贵又难吃,桌上还爬着蟑螂,你会因为它很近很方便,就一而再、再而三地光临吗?回答:你一定会说,... [查看全文]
1.《仲夏夜之梦》A Midsummer Night's Dream威廉·莎士比亚 by William ShakespeareRomantic play and mischief abounds in... [查看全文]
1.Indiana Jones; Subject: Archaeology 印第安那·琼斯——《夺宝奇兵》; 科目:考古学 If archaeology is your chosen subj... [查看全文]