What is the best country to visit during Christmas?圣诞节的时候最适合去哪个国家?获得6好评的答案@Marion RosnerComing fro... [查看全文]
What are some of the hardest truths life has taught you?生活教给你最残酷的事实是什么?获得44.8k好评的回答@Maya Mazen:M... [查看全文]
What is your most memorable cultural shock?你印象最深且感到震惊的文化差异有哪些?获得568好评的回答@Dave Samwell:Some frie... [查看全文]
What helps you grow stronger physically, emotionally, mentally or even spiritually?什么有助于使你在身体上、感情上、头脑... [查看全文]
How does one succeed at life?生活中如何成功?获得91.7k好评的回答@Hector Quintanilla:Here’s the ONLY way, let me show... [查看全文]
What has been your best career decision(s)?你职业生涯中最明智的一个决定是什么?获得416.2k好评的回答@Anonymous:After moving... [查看全文]
What can I do to change my life?我怎么才能改变自己的人生?获得42.5k 好评的回答@Kawsur Abeddin:1.Stop Facebooking/ twit... [查看全文]
What is the kindest thing a pet has done for you?宠物为你做过什么最好的事?获得28.1k好评的回答@June Smith:My dog gav... [查看全文]
What are the best ways of falling asleep quickly?快速入睡最好的方法是什么?获得42.4k好评的回答@Elias Edgren:Here’s the... [查看全文]
What is the smartest thing your cat has ever done?你的猫做过什么最聪明的事?获得13.3k好评的回答@Elaine Bones:I was as... [查看全文]