原题: Because medieval women's public participation in spiritual life was not welcomed by the male estab... [查看全文]
例 Ⅰ: While ---------- in his own approach to philosophy, the scholar was, illogically, ---------- his col... [查看全文]
★ 在GRE verbal每个section的38道题当中,填空题占了7道题。和中国学生感觉头疼的阅读部分比起来,填空是一个相对容易在短时间内提... [查看全文]
1.重复的基本规律:点对点 2.攻其一点,不及其余 3.读题干的策略:先读主干,再读分隔 4.分析的策略:a.分析句子结构b.定位中... [查看全文]
例 Ⅰ: The benedictory address, as it has developed in American colleges and universities over the years, h... [查看全文]
1. 对词汇要求加深 由上面的例题结合官方文档可以看出,新GRE填空对词汇的要求进一步加深。这主要体现在两个方面: 首先是词汇... [查看全文]
一.新GRE填空的变化 新GRE考试去掉了类比和反义词考察,填空部分除了单句题目(1-2空格)以外增加了两种形式:段落填空 ( 1-N个空格... [查看全文]
1. Vain and prone to violence, Caravaggio could not handle success: the more his (1)__________ as an artist ... [查看全文]
1. 分析句子结构: 分隔与粘连是主要的重复信息的方式 A. 分隔:句子中对主干进行修饰或补充的成分 定语从句:that 同位语... [查看全文]
例 Ⅰ: The poet W. H. Auden believed that the greatest poets of his age were almost necessarily irrespons... [查看全文]