例: While not completely nonplussed by the unusually caustic responses from members of the audience, the sp... [查看全文]
举个例子: 原题: Because medieval women's public participation in spiritual life was not welcomed by th... [查看全文]
例1:To believe that a culture’s achievement can be measured by the --- ---- of its written material re... [查看全文]
对立关系反义词解法是相对于那些对立的两部分皆为肯定句的题目而言的。然则存在着这样一类题目,尽管它们的连接词可帮助我们判断出一种... [查看全文]
GRE填空需要一定技巧,熟练掌握不仅能帮助大家更快地解答难题,也能有效提升考生的正确率和得分。下面小编就来详细分析GRE填空的实用高... [查看全文]
1. 已知概念互补 在读完题后,以最快的速度整理区分出两个(甚至三个)概念,当这些概念在题目的另一处被复述时,可用这些已知的概念... [查看全文]
1.电影制造者对旧讽刺电影喜或哀题bemoan...current 这些电影制造者不知道该whether rejoice the satire老电影 that still st... [查看全文]
1. The economists were _______ to find that the theory that they had considered ________ crumbled when modern... [查看全文]
参加GRE考试的考生可以来了解一下GRE句子填空方法解题步骤 1. 分析句子结构:分隔与粘连是主要的重复信息的方式 A. 分隔:句子... [查看全文]
对立关系的句子很多,凡是出现but, yet, however,nevertheless, although, (even) though, while,whereas, notwithstanding, d... [查看全文]