真心觉得老GRE填空有些双空经不起推敲,比如句子填空SECTION80最后一题,Our highly ______ vocabulary for street crime contr... [查看全文]
1.分析的具体方法―――分隔与粘连 2.重复的基本规律:点对点 3.攻其一点,不及其余 4.读题干的策略:先读主干,再读分隔 ... [查看全文]
GRE句子填空题句中出现两个空白的情况比较常见,我们往往通过上下文以及句间关系先推出一个空白处要填的词,然后再缩小选择范围,攻克... [查看全文]
1.重复的基本规律:点对点 2.攻其一点,不及其余 3.读题干的策略:先读主干,再读分隔 4.分析的策略:a.分析句子结构b.定位中... [查看全文]
GRE的句子填空思路独特,与正常的阅读迥然不同,它是一种文字与文字之间,概念与概念之间的逆向推理游戏,是众多考生望而生提,觉得捉... [查看全文]
1. The rise of the Internet ensures that discrete people from ge**raphically diverse areas can spontaneously f... [查看全文]
例1:To believe that a culture’s achievement can be measured by the --- ---- of its written material re... [查看全文]
The term "rare earth" is in fact a_ , for paradoxically, the rare_earth elements are in actuality , being p... [查看全文]
例Ⅴ: Every year thousands of Moslems make a(n)_ to the holy city of Mecca. (A) expedition (B) tour ... [查看全文]