Start a bullet journal? Finally quit smoking? Be nicer to others? Whatever you've decided to achieve next yea... [查看全文]
春节出国游成为过年新时尚,也成为各国旅游行业紧盯的一块香饽饽。为了吸引到更多的中国游客,苏格兰敦促酒店员工学普通话,提供热水;意大... [查看全文]
Most people don't find it more difficult to lie in a foreign language than in their native tongue. However,... [查看全文]
1月8日,英国BBC新闻网新版块偶像(ICONS)栏目发起20世纪最伟大人物评选,选出对人类当前生活影响最大的杰出人物。在14日公布的科学家篇名单... [查看全文]
今天是农历腊月二十三,是传统的小年(有一些地方是腊月二十四过小年)。小年的英文说法有很多:有直接使用拼音Xiao Nian的,有根据意义翻译... [查看全文]
If you thought Apple's meme-worthy AirPods were a viral status symbol, then wait until you get a look at Lo... [查看全文]
Donald Trump has landed himself three nominations for the 39th Golden Raspberry Awards.唐纳德·特朗普在第39界金酸梅奖... [查看全文]
Latvia Latvians believe that Father Christmas brings presents on each of the 12days of Christmas starting on Chri... [查看全文]
Russia In the days of the Soviet Union,Christmas was not celebrated very much.New Year was the important time--w... [查看全文]
Portugal People pretend that Father Christmas brings presents to children on Christmas Eve.The presents are left u... [查看全文]