Germany Germans love to decorate their house sat Christmas.Many houses will have little wooden frames holding elec... [查看全文]
Sweden The most important day is Christmas Eve.A special Christmas meal is eaten on Christmas Eve--ham(pork),herri... [查看全文]
Germany Germans love to decorate their house sat Christmas.Many houses will have little wooden frames holding elec... [查看全文]
奥地利Christmas celebrations start with the feast of St. Nicholas. Saint is accompanied with a devil. He asks sma... [查看全文]
Christmas Eve in some parts of the world may find parents battling crowds of other last-minute shoppers or strug... [查看全文]
"We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas…"Have you heard that song? Yup! It's Christma... [查看全文]
Brazil Father Christmas is called Papai Noel.Many Christmas customs are similar to those in the USA or UK.For th... [查看全文]
澳大利亚The traditional meal in Australia during Christmas celebrations is the turkey dinner, pork and ham. Christm... [查看全文]
晚风沉寂了,暮色悄然无声,Hush'd are the winds, and still the evening gloom,林间不曾有一缕微飔吹度;Not e'en a z... [查看全文]
起来,希腊的儿男!Sons of the Greeks, arise!光荣时刻已到来,The glorious hour's gone forth,要效法我们祖先,And, worthy... [查看全文]