Nov 7 is lidong(立冬), one of the 24 solar terms, marking the beginning of winter. Descriptions of winter are n... [查看全文]
Missed flights, cancelled rides and changed plans make solo travelers incredibly resilient. After grappling through... [查看全文]
What sounds or impressions are you making on the people around you? Think about it. Your words, phrases, even y... [查看全文]
One will make a lot of mistakes in his or her life.一个人在一生中会犯很多错误。This rule works for everybody.这个道... [查看全文]
What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?如果知道没有人在旁边指指点点,你会以一种的不同方式来做... [查看全文]
How strong are you?你有多强大?That is a tough question to answer, whether you are a man or a woman.不管你是男人还... [查看全文]
Why should I be a good man?我为什么要善良?What a silly question.真是个傻问题。I choose to be a good man because i... [查看全文]
由冯小刚执导的 电影《芳华》,上映八天票房已经超过6亿,《芳华》不仅登顶贺岁档当日票房冠军,成为同期上座率最高的电影,并收获了不少... [查看全文]
克服拖延和懒惰我来支给你几个妙招!1. Set a 10-minute alarm定一个十分钟响一次的闹钟Essentially, you "make a deal with your... [查看全文]
To me, the concept of home changes continually along with my age.对于我来说,家的概念随着年龄的变化而不断变化。In my ... [查看全文]