A person with high EQ doesn't often criticize people.一个情商高的人,不会总是去批评别人。That's because criticiz... [查看全文]
Everyone has that period in which they find those who are close to them start to seem annoying .每个人都会经历这... [查看全文]
有人说,人一生可以去的地方很多,可以回的地方却很少。家,抑或是家乡,大概就是这样的地方。人们在外忙碌一年,来不及歇口气,就匆匆挤上... [查看全文]
Every now and then, someone tries to make a case for objective beauty – the notion that there is a quasi... [查看全文]
又是一年春节时,作为中国最重要的传统节日,有不少诗人曾为它吟诗作赋,今天就来看看古人是怎么写春节和元宵的。别岁Farewell to the O... [查看全文]
This world is made of one after another ordinary person.这个世界是由一个又一个普通人组成的。We live in such a world.... [查看全文]
There will never be anyone else like you in the future of the universe. That's why being yourself is more ... [查看全文]
好身材,好工作,好习惯,都不是一蹴而就的事情,需要努力和坚持。今天的六个句子送给一起拼搏的我们!I’m not telling you it i... [查看全文]
1. If someone pissed you off, what you should focus on is not how they did it but how you can manage your o... [查看全文]
Talking about traveling or new jobs, many people often think of change of environment, change of mood.每每说起旅行... [查看全文]