If life treats you unfairly.如果生活对你不公。Don't cry. Don't shout. Don't complain to anyone.不要哭泣。不... [查看全文]
If you ask me what are the things that people should not do no matter how, the first thing that comes to my... [查看全文]
There is an ancient saying in China goes as: If your ship is against the current, you lose your ground when y... [查看全文]
During Plant Week, my Kindergarten students learn all about the importance of plants in our lives, the different... [查看全文]
Which sentences have made you think the most in your life?生活中哪些话让你思考最多?获得132.6k好评的回答@Eva Gutierrez:... [查看全文]
还记得自己最初的梦想?你还在为自己的梦想而奋斗吗?还是感觉青春已逝,不切实际的梦想还是放弃吧。但不管你如何选择,先来看看今天的推送吧... [查看全文]
I was four, playing outside in the humid Kentucky air.我当时4岁,在户外玩,周围是肯塔基潮湿的空气。I saw my grandfathe... [查看全文]
How a child's life turns out depends on the environment this child grows up in.一个孩子的人生过得如何,取决于这... [查看全文]
Not everyone reciprocates the gesture.并不是每个人都会回应你的付出。This is a hard truth but it’s true.这是个残酷... [查看全文]
Job interviews can be mildly terrifying for anyone, but they’re extra-extra-terrifying for introverts. Here, s... [查看全文]