When we are born, we are unblemished. As we grow, we develop many complexities due to many influences in our l... [查看全文]
Imagine you are carrying around a faux Prada bag you bought for six dollars. It looks real. It feels real. But... [查看全文]
Terry Evanshen was one of Canadian football’s greatest receivers——a little man in a big man’s game w... [查看全文]
转眼又到一年毕业季,又到了说再见的季节,虽然说了再见,但是我们友谊未完待,今天一起欣赏关于友情的美文吧!A friend walks in when... [查看全文]
First of all, please think about this question first: Do you have any of these 3 habits?首先,请你想一想,你有没有... [查看全文]
There are many kinds of panic.恐慌有很多种。And one of the most terrifying one of them all is moral panic.而其中... [查看全文]
From August 1st to August 15th I fasted from complaining. Yes, that's right. No more "I'm tired" grumbles... [查看全文]
Let me tell you one of the earliest disasters in my career as a teacher. It was January of 1940 and I was f... [查看全文]
I know you -- the heartbroken. I've been there recently, and plenty before. I know you better than you thin... [查看全文]
Let’s look back all these years you’ve gone through, what have you done for your life? Are you spend... [查看全文]