'Moonlight' Wins Best Picture at Mixed-Up Oscars Ceremony奥斯卡颁奖闹乌龙 《月光男孩》赢得最佳... [查看全文]
Millions Watching Giraffe Cam数以百万的人观看长颈鹿直播This is What’s Trending Today.欢迎收看今日... [查看全文]
Iceland’s President Suggests Banning Pineapple on Pizza冰岛总统对菠萝作为披萨的配料,坚决说:不!Thi... [查看全文]
Half-Eaten Shark Washes up on Florida BeachThis is What’s Trending Today.Last year, VOA Learning English wrot... [查看全文]
Actor Harrison Ford's Plane Just Misses Hitting Passenger Airplane演员哈里森·福特驾驶的小飞机差点... [查看全文]
Love: A Chemical Explosion in Your Brain爱情不过是大脑中的一种化学反应From VOA Learning English, this... [查看全文]
World Press Photos of the Year AnnouncedThis is What’s Trending Today.The photo taken last December of a ma... [查看全文]
This is What’s Trending Today.The Twitter hashtag #LetLizSpeak was trending on social media Wednesday.And over... [查看全文]
This is What’s Trending Today…Flying cars may soon become a reality.The rideshare servic... [查看全文]
This is What’s Trending Today.The New England Patriots football team defeated the Atlanta... [查看全文]