But as she started singing Auld Lang Syne, it became clear that things weren't going to plan.但当她开始演唱《... [查看全文]
近日,英国探险家,野外求生专家,主持人贝尔.格里尔斯在微博上下战书邀请洪荒少女傅园慧录制大型自然探险类节目《越野千里》。傅园慧也在... [查看全文]
8月30日(周二)美国电影艺术与科学学院理事会票选出了本届奥斯卡终身成就奖荣誉得主,成龙(Jackie Chan)榜上有名,这是他首次获得奥斯卡奖... [查看全文]
We’re living in a world where likes and followers can be lucrative. Forbes recently released list of highes... [查看全文]
After years of hide-and-seek with the media, actress Shu Qi and director Stephen Fung (冯德伦) came out as a co... [查看全文]
近日,英国索尔福德一对母女在英国选美大赛胜出后又赴美国参加全球顶级选美大赛,最终母亲摘得桂冠。A mother and daughter team are... [查看全文]