Supercomputer created 8 million simulated universes in 3 weeks超级计算机在3周内创造了800万个模拟宇宙Figuring out how ou... [查看全文]
What is C. difficile?什么是难辨梭菌?A potentially deadly, infectious superbug called Clostridium difficile has explode... [查看全文]
NASA finds evidence of ‘interplanetary shock’ for first timeNASA首次发现星际冲击的证据NASA has captured a ... [查看全文]
'Avengers: Endgame' screenwriters really wanted to deliver a satisfying conclusion《复仇者联盟:终局之战》的编剧们... [查看全文]
A new carb-loving superbug is ‘primed’ to target hospital food一种新的喜碳水化合物超级细菌已经准备好瞄准医院... [查看全文]
A legendary American car that vanished for 30 years一辆消失了30年的传奇的美国车If this car could talk, it would des... [查看全文]
You and a ginkgo tree can help scientists study climate change你和一棵银杏树可以帮助科学家研究气候变化Most of us can&... [查看全文]
Scientists baffled by sudden brightness of our galaxy's supermassive black hole科学家们对银河系超大质量黑洞突然变亮... [查看全文]
950 miles in two days. Taking an electric road trip in a Tesla乘坐特斯拉电动汽车自驾游,两天950英里In 2013, I drove... [查看全文]
Astronomers design AI to better detect mysterious space signals天文学家设计AI,来更好地探测神秘的太空信号Scientists are ... [查看全文]