No fossil fuels are burned to run this jet engine这种喷气发动机不需要燃烧化石燃料A prototype for a new jet engine ... [查看全文]
Bionic eye with sharper vision than real eye could be ready in just five years, experts say专家称,比真眼视觉更敏... [查看全文]
Scientists observe strange lights in the heart of the Milky Way科学家在银河系中心观测到奇怪的光Astronomers spot period... [查看全文]
Scientists find direct link between electrical fields in the atmosphere and living organisms科学家发现大气中的电场与生... [查看全文]
Astronomers create an unprecedented portrait of Jupiter in infrared天文学家创造了一个前所未有的红外木星肖像Ever since we... [查看全文]
Why the search for life on other planets depends on hydrogen为什么在其他行星上寻找生命要依靠氢气Right now, there are... [查看全文]
Scientists have created the world's first liquid metal lattice科学家们创造了世界上第一个液态金属晶格Researchers have... [查看全文]
NASA's asteroid deflection mission may spark an artificial meteor shower美国宇航局的小行星偏转任务可能引发一场人造流... [查看全文]
Did scientists just find evidence of a parallel universe?科学家们找到了平行宇宙的证据了吗?The first time scientists no... [查看全文]
Aerobic exercise shown to improve memory in those at risk of dementia有氧运动可以改善痴呆症患者的记忆力The results of... [查看全文]