Deep Mind, Google's artificial intelligence subsidiary in London, has developed a self-training vision computer ... [查看全文]
We humans love to stare into our smart devices. We gaze for hours — about 10 hours and 39 minutes a day —... [查看全文]
When it comes to keeping your blood sugar in check, people with diabetes have limited options.说起对血糖进行实时监... [查看全文]
We've all marvelled at our fingers and toes, wrinkling into prunes in the bath. We've all stared at that... [查看全文]
Normally, its eyes are silver. But when the tiny Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) gets all worked up, the... [查看全文]
To most everyone's dismay, eating refined white sugar can negatively impact us. Its effect on our bodies has... [查看全文]
While we often refer to "lab rats" and "guinea pigs" as shorthand for test subjects, it's the unassuming mou... [查看全文]
歌手姚贝娜去世后,捐献眼角膜帮助三名患者重见光明,感动了无数人。但全球角膜移植供体紧缺仍是不争的事实。如今,英国科学家采用3D打印技... [查看全文]
It's one of the oldest, weather-worn clichés: that people who wear glasses are somehow smarter than tho... [查看全文]
Edible Spider Silk Coating Keeps Fruit Fresh Without Refrigeration丝素涂层能够延长蔬果的保鲜期A new technological devel... [查看全文]