The iPhone X is the best iPhone ever made. Many of you probably aren’t ready for it.iPhone X是有史以来最好... [查看全文]
The tech giants are too big. But what if that’s not so bad?科技巨头们太庞大了。但如果这并不是多大的坏事呢?For a... [查看全文]
A humanoid named Sophia has made history by becoming the first robot in the world to be granted citizenship.一位... [查看全文]
In early 2014, Ela Darling, 31, a pornographic actress, recorded her first virtual reality sex scene. She was in... [查看全文]
Elon Musk once described the sensational advances in artificial intelligence as summoning the demon. Boy, how the... [查看全文]
Most of us just want our technology to work when we need it, and when we have problems with it, we don’... [查看全文]
Crispr, the gene-editing tool transforming biotechnology, is showing even greater promise for treating genetic disea... [查看全文]
纽约大学的一项研究发现,小鼠实验表明,与自然分娩相比,剖腹产可能更易导致孩子肥胖,而这可能是肠道菌群惹的祸。Babies born via c-s... [查看全文]
Is It Really Bad to Share a Bed With Your Dog?与狗狗共眠到底好不好?The question: Family dogs often spend the nigh... [查看全文]