Scientists Create a Prototype 'Air Plasma' Engine That Works Without Fossil Fuels科学家发明了一种不使用化石燃料... [查看全文]
Small red blood cells could indicate cancer小的红细胞可能预示着癌症Having abnormally small red blood cells -- a cond... [查看全文]
A Microbe That Seems to Stop Mosquitoes Spreading Malaria Has Been Found一种似乎能阻止蚊子传播疟疾的微生物被发现了In 2... [查看全文]
Meteorite discovery suggests Mars might have once been blue研究陨石发现,火星可能曾经是蓝色的Scientists have discovered... [查看全文]
Fossilized remains of 400M-year-old plant could change ‘evolutionary history’4亿年前的植物化石可能改变进化史Re... [查看全文]
The sun appears to be far less active than similar stars in terms of brightness variations caused by sunspots a... [查看全文]
What’s Bad for Bees Could Be Bad for Marine Life, Too对蜜蜂有害的东西也可能对海洋生物有害Over the past two dec... [查看全文]
LED lights damage eyes and disturb sleep, European health authority warns欧洲卫生当局警告说,LED灯会损害眼睛,扰乱睡眠Th... [查看全文]
A new study,published Thursday in Frontiers in Psychology,attempted to answer that question by asking participants ... [查看全文]
Eating tofu and other foods with high levels of isoflavones--plant-based"phytoestrogens"--could lower people's ris... [查看全文]