Americans are binge drinking themselves to death, studies warn研究警告说,美国人正在酗酒至死American drinkers are boozi... [查看全文]
Cows talk to each other, including about food: study研究:奶牛会互相交谈,包括关于食物的Cows are able to commooonicate... [查看全文]
Massive asteroid ‘could be dangerous to life on Earth’ if it breaks up巨大的小行星可能会对地球上的生命构成... [查看全文]
Ocean is warming at rate of 5 Hiroshima nukes a second海洋正在以每秒5颗广岛原子弹的速度变暖The amount of heat pumped... [查看全文]
Mars Orbiter Just Sent Back an Incredible Photo of The Red Planet's Icy North Pole火星轨道器(Mars Orbiter)刚刚... [查看全文]
Drinking low-fat milk could slow down aging process, study finds研究发现,喝低脂牛奶可以延缓衰老过程Switching to reduce... [查看全文]
Comets may have delivered ‘essential element for life’ on Earth, scientists say科学家称,彗星可能为地球带来... [查看全文]
How a ‘blob’ of hot Pacific Ocean water killed 1M seabirds一团太平洋海水是如何杀死100万只海鸟的Scientists h... [查看全文]
Helmet trouble mars second-ever all-female spacewalk火星史上第二次全女性太空行走Two NASA astronauts ventured out Wednesd... [查看全文]
Scientists have discovered a new link between a pattern of fluctuations in jet stream air currents and crippling... [查看全文]