Engineers create spiderweb-inspired tape that could replace surgical sutures工程师们发明了一种以蜘蛛网为灵感的胶带,可以代... [查看全文]
Sunlight exposure can affect your gut bacteria阳光照射会影响肠道细菌People living at higher latitudes may be safer f... [查看全文]
It turns out that a young Max and a middle-aged Max can get away with saying things that an old Max cannot.原... [查看全文]
A growing body of research suggests that spending money on real estate doesn’t necessarily mean investing in... [查看全文]
Microwave ovens have been a kitchen staple for decades, allowing you to cook everything from frozen vegetables to... [查看全文]
Ancient Ice Has Revealed The CO2 Cycle of Earth Going Back Nearly 2 Million Years古老的冰揭示了近200万年前地球的二氧... [查看全文]
How the sleep literally washes away toxins in the brain finally discovered睡眠到底是如何洗去大脑中的毒素的呢Every nigh... [查看全文]
The Very First Stars Formed Too Fast For Our Cosmological Models, New Evidence Shows新的证据表明,对于我们的宇宙学模... [查看全文]
What if wind farms could power the world?如果风力发电场可以为世界提供能源会怎样呢?An international agency that once br... [查看全文]
Astronomers May Have Detected a Black Hole That's Unlike Any We've Seen Before天文学家可能已经发现了一个黑洞,... [查看全文]