The plastic bottles we throw away today will be around forhundreds of years . It's one of the key reasons ... [查看全文]
It’s good news for dateless teens everywhere.这对各地的无约会青少年来说,是个好消息A new study by the University... [查看全文]
The first, and perhaps most perplexing, cause of dehydration in older adults is a lack of thirst. During the ag... [查看全文]
The human body needs a tiny amount of sodium to function properly and this is typically found in salt (sodium ... [查看全文]
Staring Into Someone's Eyes For 10 Minutes Can Induce Altered State of Consciousness盯着某人的眼睛看10分钟,会引起... [查看全文]
Some Women Are Living With Recurrent UTIs, as Infections Grow Resistant to Antibiotics因对抗生素产生耐药性,有些妇女的... [查看全文]
A Controversial Autism Hypothesis Was Just Dented by a Major New Study一项重大的新研究,推翻了之前有争议的自闭症假说A ... [查看全文]
There's a Simple Way to Lose Weight And Keep It Off, According to Science经科学验证,一种简单的减肥方法Losing we... [查看全文]
Engineers Build a Device That Effectively Transforms CO2 Into Liquid Fuel工程师们建造了一种设备,可以有效地将二氧化碳转... [查看全文]
Researchers have been able to coax human breast cancer cells to turn into fat cells in a new proof-of-concept s... [查看全文]