New gene-editing technique could ‘fix’ inherited diseases新的基因编辑技术可以修复遗传疾病We’ve all heard... [查看全文]
Alien planets could be better suited for life than Earth: study研究:外星行星可能比地球更适合生命存在Earth’s ocean... [查看全文]
NASA chief argues Pluto should still be considered a planet美国宇航局局长认为冥王星仍应被视为一颗行星Poor Pluto was de... [查看全文]
Millennials are changing their diets to help the environment为了保护环境,千禧一代正在改变他们的饮食习惯Millennials devot... [查看全文]
5 ways graphene could change the world石墨烯改变世界的5种方式Graphene might be one of the world's most useful m... [查看全文]
The Farmers’ Almanac is predicting a miserable winter 2020《农民年鉴》预测,2020年的冬天将是悲惨的Soak up the las... [查看全文]
Grisly Discovery Suggests The Inca Ritually Mounted 'Trophy Heads' as Display of Power这一令人毛骨悚然的发现表... [查看全文]
Mysterious Space Plane Has Now Been Orbiting Earth For 719 Days, And We Don't Know Why神秘的太空飞机已经绕地球... [查看全文]
Texas Is Setting Itself Up For a Major Measles Epidemic, New Study Warns一项新的研究警告,德克萨斯州或将面临一场大规模... [查看全文]
You're Still The Same Person Morally When You're Drunk, Says Study研究表明,当你喝醉时,你在道德上仍然是同一个人... [查看全文]