致命的怀疑致命的怀疑原文: 选自小故事网译者: 爱尔兰都柏林大学 赖小琪一个高三男生自杀了, 他从5楼宿舍的窗户跳了下去, 原因竟然... [查看全文]
成长的孤独 不需要害怕We're like the cream. When the cream rises to the top, it separates itself from the milk. P... [查看全文]
奥巴马总统2009年感恩节贺辞 What began as a harvest celebration between European settlers and indigenous communities n... [查看全文]
上帝的恩赐-看清你的一生On the very first day, God created the cow. He said to the cow, “Today I have created y... [查看全文]
七个生命真谛让你活出别样精彩考考您的阅读:从下面选择正确的单词到文章空白处,欢迎提交答案,期待您的参与。 [randomly] [definit... [查看全文]
【双语美文】田鼠与鱼鹰的启示(1)考考您的阅读:从下面选择正确的单词到文章空白处,欢迎提交答案,期待您的参与。 [exemplify] [s... [查看全文]
追梦人He walked into the city engrossed in his own thoughts. The eyes seemed totravel the kingdom of unknown. On... [查看全文]
美文: 别错过机会Each spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in the ditches along the highway I travel daily... [查看全文]
Decide Your DestinyThink a minute! A man was cleaning his car with a special brush when a little girl who had... [查看全文]
11 moving glance in life 生命中的11种感动It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return. But what is more... [查看全文]