机会到来你能握住它吗?机会到来你能握住它吗?2008年03月29日 15:20 The air we breathe is so freely available that... [查看全文]
双语美文:深情诠释爱是如何产生的 There’s a moment in the Disney classic, Cinderella, when the ragamuffin her oine... [查看全文]
Be an optimistIf you change your mind---from pessimism to optimism - you can change your life. Do you see the ... [查看全文]
双语:‘铅笔’和‘橡皮’你愿意做哪一个? If you can’t be a pencil to write anyone’s happiness, try to be a nice... [查看全文]
一副手套的故事 do a lot of management training each year for the Circle K Corporation, a national chain of conve... [查看全文]
On beautyOn beauty美并不是一种需求,而是一种狂喜。她不是干渴的嘴唇,也不是伸出的空手,而是一颗滚烫的心,一个愉悦的灵魂。她不是你... [查看全文]
莫等人生新起点“There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept responsibility... [查看全文]
如果你有邮箱那将会怎样What you could have been if you had an e mailL?如果你有邮箱那将会怎样?A jobless man applied ... [查看全文]
直视太阳读一本书前, 我很喜欢看作者的自序. 余华在<<在细雨中呼喊>>的自序中开篇说道: “作者的自序通常是一次约会,在漫漫记忆里去确... [查看全文]
Leukemia patientOur nightmare begins 4 months ago. My father has had Leukemia since 1990. He has always been an... [查看全文]