[世界上最美丽的英文]A Father‘s LoveFathers seldom say "I love you" Though the feeling's always there But somehow t... [查看全文]
你忽略的那些小想法 你忽略的那些小想法 What happened to that brilliant idea that you once had? Did you ignore it... [查看全文]
5 Easy Ways to Shake Off a Bad MoodEveryone gets into a big ol’ bad mood sometimes. I’m talking about the k... [查看全文]
It's Never Too Late 亡羊补牢,尤未迟也Several years ago, while attending a communications course, I experienced a... [查看全文]
最好的老师 【京翰·合肥凤凰城校区地址】合肥市蜀山区,潜山路与淠河路交口,向东50米底商1-2层京翰教育。400-616-1015转分机4382#(温... [查看全文]
蒙娜丽莎的神秘微笑 【京翰·济南市中校区地址】济南市市中区,阳光新路69号,泉景鸿园商务大厦4层。400-616-1015转分机4333#(温馨提示:... [查看全文]
为梦想而坚持的罗伯兹I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in San Ysidro. He has let me use... [查看全文]
Thirty-Third Evening安徒生的童话陪伴我们的童年。当我们长大后,再去看那些童话,会猛然发现,原来安徒生的故事不只是写给孩子看的。本... [查看全文]
The flame of love 爱的火焰The flame of love 爱的火焰拥有了一份好的工作、一个好的身体、一笔大大的财富,但你仍然感受不到幸福... [查看全文]
Missed Opportunities 失去的机会Missed Opportunities By Nick LazarisI had offered to... [查看全文]