1. Mistakes while learning学习的时候犯错There will be times when you have people above you (a boss) or even next... [查看全文]
Among the deep-pocketed collectors of Chinese antique ceramics, few pieces arouse as much excitement as the sm... [查看全文]
1. How fit am I? 我有多健康? It's easy to feel intimidated when Facebook posts boast of CrossFit and... [查看全文]
The possibility for rich relationships exists all around you—you simply have to open your eyes, open your mouth... [查看全文]
我们每个人都有自我怀疑的时候,即使最成功最能力超群最自信的人也会迷茫。自信是一种微妙复杂的东西。 [查看全文]
1. "I miss you." "If conversation was the lyrics, laughter was the music, making time spent together a mel... [查看全文]
One thing you simply cannot ignore about your relationship is that there is another person in your life. Your p... [查看全文]
Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢)The relentless pursuit of perfection. (lexus)不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)Come to where... [查看全文]
人一生,短短数载,不够时间计较,不够时间事事明细,不必在思前想后中耗磨时间,懂得享乐,人生贵在糊涂。We all, at one time or a... [查看全文]
在我们的文化中,人生不同的年龄段有不同的说法,比如,出生不满周岁的叫襁褓,两到三岁的叫孩提 [查看全文]