Michelle Obama announces the White House will allow photos and social media on public tours [查看全文]
Internet porn-viewers 'should expect viewing histories to be made public' [查看全文]
你晒工资了吗(双语)You share a lot with your coworkers over time: Projects. Lunches, Office space. Cocktails. Family... [查看全文]
No one ever said finals week is easy. Late-night cramming accompanied by cup after cup of coffee can take its ... [查看全文]
《冰与火之歌》( A Song of Ice and Fire)是美国著名科幻奇幻小说家乔治·R·R·马丁( George R.R. Martin)一部当代奇幻史诗巨著... [查看全文]
NBA center Jason Collins recently announced he was gay in a cover story for Sports Illustrated . In other w... [查看全文]
【小知识】根据国际地球自转服务组织公告,格林尼治时间6月30日全世界的时间将多出一秒,即闰秒。地处东八时区的中国,将在北京时间7月1日... [查看全文]
It's not just birds of a feather that flock together.虽说鸟以类聚,但有时并非如此。A crow has been photographed ... [查看全文]
导语:迪士尼真人版童话电影《灰姑娘》狂吸金,翻拍也根本不能停!艾玛·沃特森被选定为新贝儿公主,《花木兰》、《木偶奇遇记》、《小... [查看全文]
Flipped by the bird: Tiger ends up on its back after trying to leap up and catch featheredprey that had landed... [查看全文]