Update: The Multimillion-Dollar Kidnapping Case in Hong Kong香港豪门绑架案最新进展The kidnapping case last month of Q... [查看全文]
Jennifer Doudna, a Pioneer Who Helped Simplify Genome Editing一位女科学家的两个战场BERKELEY, Calif. — As a child in... [查看全文]
What’s the Point of a Professor?大学教授还有什么意义?IN the coming weeks, two million Americans will earn a b... [查看全文]
Luxembourg Premier Is First E.U. Leader to Marry Same-Sex Partner领欧盟风气之先,卢森堡首相与同性伴侣结婚PARIS — The ... [查看全文]
Review: ‘So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed’ Delves Into Infamy in the Age of Social Media社交媒体时代... [查看全文]
1、想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。It is graceful grief and sweet sadness t... [查看全文]
这里列举几个已经在高校中推出的考前减压新招。充气城堡(Bouncy castle) 莱塞斯特大学在校园里为学生搭起了充气城堡。想放松一下神经?到... [查看全文]
1. Compétition (In Competition) 主竞赛单元主竞赛单元是戛纳电影节的主要活动,在该环节展映的影片将角逐电影节各类奖项,其... [查看全文]
A new title for transgender people will join Mr, Mrs and Miss跨性别者称谓Mx出炉A new gender neutral title 'Mx&... [查看全文]
Ridiculous stereotypes about India那些关于印度的谬传You've probably heard a lot of myths and stereotypes about In... [查看全文]