Why attractive women job applicants shouldn't enclose a photo with CV美女求职简历不该附照片?A beautiful woman can... [查看全文]
Quora上有网友问:What would happen if the Earth stopped spinning for 42 seconds?如果地球停止转动42秒会怎样?Aamir Cheema... [查看全文]
You've probably heard a lot of myths and stereotypes about India. Some stereotypes might be true, but many a... [查看全文]
Beauty is usually seen as a blessing. But for some, it would seem, it can be a curse. Laura Fernee says her ... [查看全文]
身材永远是最热门的话题。不信你看朋友圈里的分享,关于如何练就好身段的帖子永远是最火的。如今男人崇尚块儿,姑娘向往条儿。聊点身材,狠... [查看全文]
1.THE ON/OFF EATER要么饿死要么撑死型吃货Do you:你有木有:Experiment with different weight-loss diets?尝试了多种多样的减肥餐... [查看全文]
薯条,是最常见的快餐食品之一,从美国及欧洲等地渐渐流行开来,现在可谓是风靡世界各地。很多人都知道薯条的英文是Chips,美国人称之为Fre... [查看全文]
1. The Empire City帝国城市David Stravitz first printed this name in his photographic book titled New York, Empire... [查看全文]
Mom: The Designated Worrier妈妈总有操不完的心THERE’S a story my daughter loves to hear me tell: The day after... [查看全文]
Red Meat Is Not the Enemy多吃红肉,真的不健康吗?There are people in this country eating too much red meat. They s... [查看全文]