In America, prestige speaks with a British accent. Friendliness, however, sounds a lot like you.在美国,人们觉得英音... [查看全文]
What are the skills that are most important to learn during your 20s?20几岁的时候最需要学的技能是什么?获得1.1k好评的回... [查看全文]
知乎精选:生活教会了我们什么?What is the best lesson you have learnt in your life?你生命中最大的启示是什么?获得10.7k好评... [查看全文]
1. Because I'll be there to kick your ass if you ain't.如果你不好好表现,我就弄死你。2. We the fam and loy... [查看全文]
Could you get up and put on the same thing EVERY day? Admittedly, it eliminates a wardrobe spin during the mor... [查看全文]
1. How are you still single? You're so great.你怎么还单着?你这么优秀。2. It'll happen when you least expect... [查看全文]
Have you ever worn winklepickers or salopettes? Is the saying about French women and their oxters true? Do your... [查看全文]
Starving for Wisdom为什么人文学科不应被摒弃We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom.世人被知识压死,智... [查看全文]
For Male Politicians, Dieting Is a Campaign Issue肥胖真的影响竞选吗Is fat really an electoral issue?肥胖真的影响竞选吗... [查看全文]
Air Pollution Takes Early Toll on Children空气污染与儿童智力缺陷有密切关系Air pollution can be bad for children &ndas... [查看全文]