Confessions of a Francophile谁说法国衰落,她只是魅力独特PARIS — I have just read another piece about French decline... [查看全文]
Can Orange Glasses Help You Sleep Better?戴橙色眼镜有助睡眠?Most evenings, before watching late-night comedy or readi... [查看全文]
Gravity Payments CEO takes 90% pay cut to give workers huge raise美老板自降年薪为员工加薪CEO Dan Price took a 90%... [查看全文]
1. This is a ship-shipping ship, shipping shipping ships.Ship作名词是指船,作动词指装船。Shipping作名词时意思是运输。不能... [查看全文]
A Math Problem From Singapore Goes Viral: When Is Cheryl’s Birthday?新加坡小学生数学题难倒全球网友A couple of m... [查看全文]
The trickiest words to pronounce in the English language revealed十大最难发音英语词揭晓The hardest word in the Engli... [查看全文]
Books inspire me and have always been my refuge to conflicts in life. Here are the 6 books that challenged my... [查看全文]
1. Always be faithful: always be faithful to one another. When you get married you commit to devoting your life... [查看全文]
1. What do you love to do? I’ve noticed that people who are successful, do things they love to do. Tiger... [查看全文]
有没有发现,有些人在写东西时总喜欢一逗到底,而另一些人就是句号一个接一个,更有一些人每句话都要以惊叹号收尾!标点符号的使用,也许不... [查看全文]