1. Evaluate Your Actions1、懂得孰轻孰重The first step to correct your procrastinating tendencies is to ascertain the... [查看全文]
A.D.H.D. Diagnosis Linked to Increased Risk of Dying Young注意缺陷多动障碍患者存在早逝风险People with a diagnosis of ... [查看全文]
An Itemized Marriage Proposal via Voice Mail用语音信箱列出聘礼明细的求婚When I checked the home answering machine aft... [查看全文]
Limerence纯爱The state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person, typically experienced involuntarily and ... [查看全文]
1. "What do you love?"你喜欢什么?2. "Tell me your favorite story."给我讲讲你最爱的故事吧。3. "What was your happiest... [查看全文]
Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and fo... [查看全文]
For Some in Transgender Community, It’s Never Too Late to Make a Change美国高龄跨性群体,改变性别永远不晚?One F... [查看全文]
Good Riddance, Carrie Mathison中情局女特工不像美剧描述的那样WASHINGTON — The co-creator of Homeland on Showtime reveal... [查看全文]
Let’s Talk (Frankly) About Sex美国的生理卫生课什么样Reasons Why I Shouldn’t Have to Go Tonight: If I wan... [查看全文]
Should Pregnant Women Eat More Tuna?孕妇吃金枪鱼究竟安全吗?For years pregnant women have been warned about eating tu... [查看全文]