Award-winning Italian artist Guido Daniele has an exceptional talent – he can transform human hands into &ls... [查看全文]
By age 30, women are expected to be a little more mature, and they should dress like it too. Here are 9 thin... [查看全文]
There is song in English with a chorus that goes like this:有首英文歌是这么唱的:Sign, sign, everywhere a sign , ... [查看全文]
20世纪八九十年代时,言情小说以席卷之势风靡于中国读者之中,琼瑶、亦舒、席绢等言情小说作家迅速蹿红,带来了言情小说的高潮。一时间,俊... [查看全文]
He is the face of 2014. No, we're not talking about a politician, or actor or Nobel Prize winners. We mean... [查看全文]
Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despair. Life... [查看全文]
I just think she’s somebody to look up to, somebody who’s not just sitting around and frittering her... [查看全文]
国人喜欢抢购奢侈品,但是很少有人能静下心来了解品牌背后的故事。比如爱马仕丝巾,在每幅看似不经意的图案背后,都有着不为人知的故事。跟... [查看全文]
If you often see the same books being read on your morning commute, it may be your cue to grab a copy yourse... [查看全文]
交通越发达,道路拥堵的现象似乎就越多见。一旦被堵在路上,那种滋味可真是叫天天不应,叫地地不灵。短短半小时的路程也许要花费一个多小时... [查看全文]