Sending yourself flowers from your imaginary boyfriend is a thing of the past.有女孩曾自己买花,然后幻想这是男友送的。... [查看全文]
Wisdom is seeing life for what it really is周黎明:忠于现实才是大智慧On New Year's Day, China Daily posted four... [查看全文]
1. Will you promise to never stop completing my sentences or singing off-key, which I’m afraid you do ofte... [查看全文]
1. Smiling makes us attractive.1.微笑使我们有吸引力2. Smiling Changes Our Mood2.微笑改变我们的心情3. Smiling is Contagi... [查看全文]
7 Ways to Better Recall Your Dreams What can you do to recall your dreams more often and interpret them ... [查看全文]
If you are an actor or an engineer, you are more likely to be looking for casual sex than a long-term relatio... [查看全文]
Cambridgegraduates are the most employable in the world, according to a global league table. The ancient universit... [查看全文]
A mountain-sized asteroid which crosses paths with the Earth every three years has been discovered by a Russian ... [查看全文]
2014 has been the year of the beard - everywhere you look these days, men aged 18-40 are wearing their facial... [查看全文]
Some women crave pickles when pregnant, but that's when Jade Sylvester developed a taste for toilet paper.一些... [查看全文]