Royal fans around the world got an early Christmas present Saturday when new photos of Prince George of Cambridg... [查看全文]
The average man can stand just six minutes of his woman's witterings about her lunch, her stars and her fee... [查看全文]
Ruby Dee (91)-- Actress ("A Rasin in the Sun") playwright, activist, journalist, screenwriter -- Passed away on J... [查看全文]
Here we are at the end of another calendar year -- 2014. When December rolls around, we tend to reflect on wh... [查看全文]
A so-called early version of the Mona Lisa has gone on public display for the first time in 400 years - as e... [查看全文]
A restaurant inTokyohas announced that it will refuse to serve couples on Christmas Eve because their happiness w... [查看全文]
英国一名女子自从有天中了冰岛之行的大奖后,开始辞职专门在家参加抽奖。40岁的迪·寇克原本是一名平面设计师,年薪至少1.5万英镑。自从17... [查看全文]
For decades, comic books have been in color, but now they truly reflect all the hues of American society.几十年... [查看全文]
1. There is a single definition of success.1.成功只有唯一的定义。And it involves an established career, large house,... [查看全文]
日本卡通形象Hello Kitty1日迎来40周岁生日,世界各地粉丝举办庆祝活动,为这一酷萌偶像庆生。日本三丽鸥公司1974年设计出第一款Hello Kitt... [查看全文]