A--accept(接受) 世上没有十全十美的人.记着,你爱他,就必须接受他的一切,甚至他的缺点. B—belief(信任) 不信任对方,经常... [查看全文]
"You're so great -- why don't you have a boyfriend?"你这么好,怎么会没有男朋友?This misguided compliment, ofte... [查看全文]
Who said wedding gowns always need to be white and floor-length? In The Vow, Paige (Rachel McAdams) opts for a... [查看全文]
I heard during the Dragon Boat Festival this year, out of a strange, I was just passing through, but I do not... [查看全文]
Is clutter weighing you down at home and the office?家里和办公室的杂乱无章是不是正让你感到不堪负重?Not sure where to ... [查看全文]
据外媒报道,在中国,北方人吃面,南方人吃米,研究发现,这一差别造成了巨大的个性差异。以面食为主的北方人具有更多的个人主义倾向,... [查看全文]
With all-glass windows from floor to ceiling, sittingfive metres below the surface of the Indian Ocean,this is th... [查看全文]
What makes you happy all the time? What do you do when you feel like having a bad day? 什么能让你一直拥有... [查看全文]
A man who allegedly drugged and raped his wife has been acquitted after a judge confirmed Indian rape laws ... [查看全文]
The number of US commuters who ride a bicycle to work rose by 60% over the last decade, the Census has re... [查看全文]