This year, a handful of billionaires gave commencement addresses, including media powerhouse Oprah Winfrey, global ... [查看全文]
在这充满了艰辛的生活中,总有让你无法做到的心酸事,这时《甄嬛传》里面皇后的一句经典话足以表达心情——臣妾做不到啊! 课堂上聊... [查看全文]
1.He got up at daybreak this moming. 他今天早上天蒙蒙亮就起床了。 2.What time do you get up in the morning... [查看全文]
When You Start to Pursue Your Dreams, These 12 Things Will HappenIf you’ve ever considered making a living... [查看全文]
The relatively few facts we know about the world's greatest poet and dramatist, William Shakespeare, have ... [查看全文]
【情景对话】A: I hear that Tom got divorced, and I don’t know how he is now.我听说Tom离婚了。B: Out of sigh... [查看全文]
Cauliflower花椰菜This veggie has been deemed one of the hottest trends of the year. Along with the other members... [查看全文]
7 Reasons Why You Will Never Do Anything Amazing With Your Life让你此生难成大器的七宗罪I’m looking you in the... [查看全文]
热爱英语的小伙伴们一定听过不少英文歌曲,其中最为经典的当数席琳•迪翁的《My heart will go on》了。如此出名的歌曲我就不多做... [查看全文]
Looking for the Easter bunny? Here’s one that’s easy to spot。还在找复活节兔子吗?不用费神啦,这只就行!Darius... [查看全文]