天气凉了,亲们准备好毛衣、外套抵御寒冷了吗?经过几轮刮风和降雨,天气一天冷似一天。今天我们就一起聊聊变冷的天气吧! 1. It'... [查看全文]
很喜欢这种通俗易懂、平易简洁的短句英语,当然更喜欢情书里所表达的暖暖情意。和大家分享如下: We didn't know much abou... [查看全文]
In Chinese, the word jinguixu refers to a wealth, prestigious husband (or "sugar daddy" in the US and UK)中文中... [查看全文]
1.You're playing to win你们总是想要赢对方One of the deadliest killers of relationships is the competitive urge, ... [查看全文]
Whether it's curled up in the fetal position, flat on the stomach or stretched out across the bed, the way... [查看全文]
We are all naturally passionate at some point in our lives. We all start out that way at least. Most child... [查看全文]
纵使你是英语专业的学生也会觉得托福的听力是最变态的!语速很快,生词很多再加上我们伸出的环境,这都导致我们在听力方面比较难拿高分!下面... [查看全文]
I love you not because of who you are, but because who I am when I am with you.我之所以爱你,不是因为我知道你是... [查看全文]
1. The iconic romantic - Venice, Italy浪漫爱之经典——意大利威尼斯There's almost nothing more romantic than glidin... [查看全文]
大致上植物可分为grass 草本植物和tree乔木两大类。一般来说,枝干持续生长一年以上的可归为tree,反之就是grass。植物的root根埋在土里是... [查看全文]