Step 1:Look at both the pros and cons of your situation。第一步:审视自身环境中的优缺点。You might be single by ch... [查看全文]
教师节英语介绍In the history of Chinese education, Confucius is a paragon of all teachers, symbolizing the philosop... [查看全文]
1. We wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small gift. Happy Teacher's Day!我们送您一件小礼物,以表我们... [查看全文]
Who has never gone through some ups and downs in the life? But some people can feel better in a quicker way ... [查看全文]
1. Climb a tree. 爬树2. Roll down a really big hill. 滚下山坡3. Camp out in the wild. 野外露营4. Build a den.... [查看全文]
小时候,你是否经常盼望得到老师的表扬?老师的鼓励可以让你精神百倍,不轻言放弃。快来看看老师和家长应该常对孩子说的话吧!1.You’re... [查看全文]
To: MS FTEs致:微软全体员工Date: Sep. 2, 8:00 PM PDT (Sep. 3, 6:00 AM EET)时间:美国太平洋时间9月2日20:00Subject: Acc... [查看全文]
Doctors are guilty of wrongly believing that obese people are simply lazy, research suggests.研究表明:医生们错误的认... [查看全文]
Thirty years ago I sat where you sat. I must have listened to some older person share his life experience. But... [查看全文]
1. The mooch1. 死乞白赖男This is the guy who never seems to go anywhere with his wallet after he takes you out... [查看全文]