1. Salad Savior 沙拉救世主We all suffer from salad boredom, but if you kick your salads up a notch, it is a g... [查看全文]
由于中国大妈彪悍地撼动了国际金价,美国媒体甚至专门创造了英语新单词dama。近年来,被中国逼出来的英文单词很多,或由国外媒体专家,或由... [查看全文]
Are you a good conversationalist? What makes someone a good conversationalist? Being a good conversationalist is i... [查看全文]
Don't ask for salt and pepper。不要要盐或胡椒粉。In Portugal, if salt and pepper aren't already on the tabl... [查看全文]
Rule 1: Get Rid of the Unimportant Things规则一:远离不重要的事情Once you have your list of priorities, it would b... [查看全文]
1.Losing the ability to eat whatever the hell you want with impunity and feeling no side effects or noticeable ... [查看全文]
1) I love you with all my heart。我全心全意爱你。2) I love you for you。我真心爱你。(当你想表示爱的是对方的人,而不是... [查看全文]
三思而后行Look before you leap。三句不离本行to talk shop三个臭皮匠胜过一个诸葛亮Two heads are better than one。三番两次T... [查看全文]
1. What you love。你喜欢什么。Invest your thoughts and time in the things you love. Don’t wait around for t... [查看全文]
A boy lost in the wilderness was saved by a kangaroo. That’s the story floating around after Simon Kruger,... [查看全文]