【导读】他是一位身残志坚的乡村老人,因为年轻时候的一次意外失去了一双胳膊,但他并没有从此一蹶不振,而是利用自己的手艺硬是为自己打造... [查看全文]
Charles Darwin's notes on marriage have recently been made public. Despite devoting his life to science, Charl... [查看全文]
Although it's good to focus on your own happiness, it's always beneficial to spread the joy around. In f... [查看全文]
《绝望的主妇》第一季第十二集精彩结束语原文(节选自剧本):The act itself never varies. But each kiss carries with it a m... [查看全文]
心情不好怎么办?去购物吗?把钱花光了,心情就好了?还有更省钱又有效的方法,助你糟糕心情High起来!计划一次旅行,做一顿大餐,看一部喜剧。... [查看全文]
I can live for two months on a good compliment. - Mark Twainwords are powerful. they can create or they can d... [查看全文]
Fire rainbow' spotted over south FloridaSo-called "fire rainbows" are neither on fire nor are they rainbows, b... [查看全文]
When I first started covering the very rich, a wealth manager gave me this piece of advice: "The very rich are... [查看全文]
No.1 Video Chat Regularly第一招:经常视频聊天Whether you use Face Time, iChat, Google Chat, or Skype, being able to... [查看全文]