Love made me do it那些年我们一起为爱而疯狂It’s true — love makes you do things you normally wouldn’t d... [查看全文]
Spit out Your Chewing Gum吐出你的口香糖吧!Having trouble remembering phone numbers or a professor's lecture? Try... [查看全文]
Waiter服务员,Lady Gaga也当过服务员;Baby sitter保姆,这可以提前帮你预习当父母的感觉;Salesman销售,说服别人为不必要的东西花钱,训... [查看全文]
Weight Loss Discovery Making National Headlines减肥新发现导读: 报道说,近年欧美肥胖人口的激增,不仅招致医疗费用负担增加,还... [查看全文]
Women are the most complex creatures known, they are sweet, charming, but they have different sense of everything... [查看全文]
Rain Forest Gallery 如诗如画---热带雨林导读:热带雨林是地球上一种常见于约北纬10度、南纬10度之间热带地区的生物群系,主要分布于东... [查看全文]
8 Reasons Marriage Is Better Than the Gym婚姻有助于身体健康的8大原因The Marriage Benefit 婚姻的益处Marriage is sort o... [查看全文]
1.For attractive lips, speak words of kindness。魅力的双唇,在于亲切友善的语言。2.For lovely eyes, seek out the good ... [查看全文]
小编:面试的基本原则是诚实原则,那么在面试的时候到底能不能撒些小谎呢?这要因事而论,不过下面这四件事,你最好不要在面试官面前说谎,... [查看全文]
1. Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples.有看不见的手,如... [查看全文]