5月中旬知名企业家 (entrepreneur)王功权在微博宣布的私奔事件引发热议,而作为私奔的代名词Gretna Green,是你不能不知道的苏格兰小镇。一起来看看吧。 To all my friends and relatives, to all colleagues: I am giving up on everything and eloping with Wang Qin. So wrote Chinese billionaire venture capitalist Wang Gongquan [查看全文]
The waitstaff at the new Hong Kong restaurant g.e. it stands for gastronomy extra|ordinaire will have to be extra careful not to break any plates. One set is made almost entirely of gold. Each gold plate weighs close to five kilograms, and together, the e [查看全文]
近日,俄罗斯总理普京化身超级功夫英雄,出现在网络连载漫画(comic strip)上,而俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫则成为其穿着熊衣的超能力搭档。 Russia`s Vladimir Putin saves the day as a martial arts superhero in a comic strip spreading on the Russian Internet, where he teams up with bearskin-wearing sidekick Dmitry Medvedev. 一 [查看全文]
近年来,大学校园中求爱门裸奔门层出不穷。年轻一代轰轰烈烈的出格 (outrageous)行为在吸引眼球之余,也引发人们的担忧。如此不计后果的表达感情,究竟是对是错?一起来看看吧。 Its the class break. Wang Yumu, 21, walks into the lecture theater where his girlfriend has been taking classes. Students whoop and holler when they see the flowers [查看全文]
Designing a 162-room hotel is a challenge for any architect. St. Regis Lhasa拉萨瑞吉度假酒店 设计一座拥有162个房间的酒店对于任何一位建筑师来说都是一个挑战。 Trying to do it at 3,600 meters (nearly 12,000 feet) above sea level and adhering to the cultural concerns of Lhasa, the capital city of [查看全文]
近日,微求职成为热门词汇,微博成了很多年轻人求职的新途径。而一份只有140字的微简历 (microresume)到底能不能吸引HR的目光?用人单位又如何能在茫茫人海中捞出自己想要的人才?微求职, [查看全文]
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, the fourth installment in Disneys action franchise, sailed over the competition, grossing $90.1 million over the weekend. Though the film, in which Johnny Depp reprises his popular role as the flamboyant pirate [查看全文]
最近北京女孩赵星的一篇台湾游记 (travel diary),迅速在两岸三地的网友间热传,至今已有300万人次的浏览量。而一篇8万字的游记为何令众多网友为之痴迷呢? After coming back and thinking over everything I`ve experienced, I realized that it was the people that impressed me the most, far more than any of the beautiful scenes or [查看全文]
Johnny Depp,一个令人荡漾的名字,从剪刀手到杰克船长,俘获了多少女孩子的心哟小编泪奔~为什么有生之年要认识这个男人!好吧一起来读读德普哥的语录,可是为什么他说他喜欢捏金发美女,对手指 The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants. 只有狗和小孩是进化到可以表达爱意的高级生物, With any part you play, there is a certain amount [查看全文]
A- listers turn Oprah's farewell show into a star-studded event 奥普拉脱口秀25年全剧终 告别秀星光云集 Oprah Winfrey wiped away tears as celebrity after celebrity surprised her during a farewell double-episode taping of The Oprah Winfrey Show that will precede her finale . [查看全文]