1.Egg Carton House 蛋托屋 Stacking up hundreds of reused egg cartons like Lego blocks, Australia-based studio Goldenhen built a life-sized home called The Original Dream. 澳大利亚一家名为Goldenhen的工作室用上百个废旧蛋托建造了 [查看全文]
在经济飞速发展的今天,物价也同步飞涨。离开校园,初入社会的大学生们则成了囊中羞涩的(impecunious)毕业一族。如何精打细算,避免入不敷出呢? Many college students complain about dorm life: a sweltering room without air-conditioning in summer and a dorm gate which is closed at 11 pm. 许多大学生对于寝室生活充满怨言:夏季,没有空调的寝室闷热无比,晚上11点就 [查看全文]
想必每个人都有捡到东西的经历,但相信很少有人能在大街上捡到金子。现在纽约就有一位失业珠宝商(jeweller)用镊子捡拾街头的珠宝和金子换钱。不得不令人心生感叹,纽约果然是有钱人的天堂啊,弯腰皆可拾金。 An unemployed jewellery setter has taken to combing the streets of New York with a pair of tweezers to cash in on dropped gems and gold. 一位失业珠宝商用镊子捡拾纽约街头 [查看全文]
Theres not been a baby born to a serving president in nearly 50 years will President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle buck the trend? 近50年来,美国的总统在任职期间都没有生养孩子的记录那么美国现任总统巴拉克奥巴马和妻子米歇尔会不会反潮流生个孩子呢? The question has been on everyones lips since Barack Obama w [查看全文]
It takes the saying waste not, want not, to a whole new level. 俗话说俭以防匮,而接下来的这个例子却将这一说法发挥到了一个新高度。 A Japanese scientist has developed a `meat` burger made out of human excrement. 一位日本科学家通过提炼人类粪便,制作出一种全新的肉类汉堡。 Mitsuyuki Ikeda, a researcher from the Okayama L [查看全文]
A product once thought to be popular with China's online shoppers is facing scrutiny as of late: human breast milk. Taobao.com淘宝网(Taobao.com)上出售母乳的网页快照。一种曾被认为会受到中国网购客户欢迎的产品最近正面临审查,那就是母乳。 According to a recent report in state-run China Daily, mothers who h [查看全文]
Bribery-reporting websites have been burgeoning over the weekend, allowing Internet users to share their experiences in giving bribes though shying away from revealing corrupt figures. 只一个周末的时间,搜集行贿事件的网站犹如雨后春 [查看全文]
Playboy founder Hugh Hefner said on Tuesday his wedding this weekend has been canceled because his 25-year-old fiance, a Playmate from his magazine, changed her mind. 《花花公子》创办人休-赫夫纳本周二表示,原定于本周末举办的婚 [查看全文]
1 Mary Had a Little Lamp 人形台灯 Lonely in bed at night while you read? Mary Had a Little Lamp is there to help you and keep your bed warm. 一个人在床上看书会不会觉得有点孤单?这款名为Mary Had a Little Lamp(玛丽有个小台灯)的床头灯将会带给你温暖。 副标题 2 Sneaker Lamp 球鞋台灯 Creative lamp designed by Cl [查看全文]
The Spree 看视频 The great thing about a video web is that it has everything. The awful thing about a video web is that it has everything. I m [查看全文]