'Thor,' the newest comic-book adaptation from Marvel Studios, powered its way to the top of the box office with a $66 million opening weekend in North America, according to early studio estimates. Internationally, the film grossed $46 million in 60 ma [查看全文]
A rapidly spreading Internet controversy threatens to turn a precocious political star-in-the-making into a 21st century Chinese version of Icarus. 互联网上迅速蔓延的争议可能会把一个还在成长中的早熟的政治明星变成21世纪中 [查看全文]
Our mothers are big liars. There, I said it. 我曾说过,我们的妈妈是大谎言家。 When we were little kids, they told lies like If you swallow a watermelon seed, it will grow inside your stomach. 当我们还是年幼孩童时,她们会糊弄我们说如果你把西瓜籽吞下去,它就会在你的肚子里生根发芽。 And they keep lying even now that [查看全文]
北京时间5月2日,美国总统奥巴马宣布,基地组织 (al-Qaida)领导人本拉登已在当天的突袭行动中身亡。然而拉登之死并不意味着世界就此和平了,新的问题应运而生。一起来看看这些新的问题和专家的回答吧。 The killing of Osama bin Laden in a daring operation conducted by a small team of US special forces brought the arduous, decade-long search for the 9/11 m [查看全文]
为温总理做翻译的美女口译张璐因巧译古诗词而一炮走红,才华的背后是数年的魔鬼训练。然而,一名年仅10岁的盲女却技惊四座,成为了史上最年轻的欧盟口译员 (interpreter)。是神童还是天才?一起来看看这位盲童的传奇故事吧。 A blind schoolgirl who is fluent in four languages has become the 年仅10岁,精通四国语言的失明女学生如今成了欧盟议会最年轻的口译员。 Alexia Sloane, from Cambridge, [查看全文]
一些长期以来被现代人视为良好的日常生活习惯 (daily routine)原来正静悄悄地蚕食着我们的健康。这些习惯究竟包括哪些呢?一起来看看吧! Shower every day? Rinse after brushing teeth? These `healthy` habits could be devilishly bad for you. 每天洗澡?刷牙后漱口?这些看似健康的习惯可能会对你造成极大的伤害。 Could your daily routine be ruining your healt [查看全文]
Prince William's bride-to-be Kate Middleton, whose sartorial style will be closely scrutinized by fashionistas once she's officially a princess, is already getting credit for bringing one style stateside -- the precariously-perched feathered fascinator. 英 [查看全文]
威廉王子大婚当前,哈里王子又从军营传来喜讯。正在服役的哈里王子获得晋升,军衔由中尉升至上尉 (captain),并获得阿帕奇徽章。这位昔日负面报道缠身的花花公子正努力改变形象, [查看全文]
最新的一项调查显示,即将入驻英国王室(royal family)凯特米德尔顿会在王室成员美女榜上排名第三,而已故威尔士王妃戴安娜将排至第四。 Kate Middleton`s marriage to Prince William will see her [查看全文]
目前,一档最新最给力的职场真人秀节目《职来职往》正在热播,并被称为职场版《非诚勿扰》。对于台上阅人无数的职场达人(career expert)来说,是什么让他们的梦想遭遇现实的尴尬呢 [查看全文]